Thursday, December 1, 2011


Effective Contrast

Above is an example of effective contrast in graphic design. There is contrast in tone, position, scale, color, case and font. The use of gradients in the grey scale used with the single red color aides the overall feel of the image. There is a definite amount of light and dark. The negative space creates interesting images for the viewer and defines important aspects. The placement and layout of images is key in this design. The choice in font size, case, and type helps the directional flow of the image as well. The larger letters like "h" "g" "C" and "M" stand out the most since they are the largest. These are meant to be viewed first and have a certain pop-out effect from the rest. It has a type of a grid layout as well. The contrasting content fills empty spaces and keeps the image interesting.

Ineffective Contrast

Above is an example of poor contrast in graphic design. This also has a contrast in tone, position, scale, color, case and font except they are used ineffectively. First off, the guys face is a little creepy not to mention it is green. The color choice of red, yellow, and green reads to be a little obnoxious. The stripes of red and yellow tonally feel to busy and a little head ache-ish. The font color, type and size all are done poorly and almost illegible. The line "city life" and below it "magazine" are barely seen since they are the same color as the background. The letters in "St. Petersburg" are too closely together and ad the the cluttered feeling. The layout overall feels aesthetically displeasing and busy.

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