Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week 7 Visual Perception 2/ Feature Hierarchy

This is an example of a poster/dvd cover design that I discovered online advertising three of the famous Star Wars movies. The degree that I am now working towards is in Graphic Visual Communications, which I hope one day will allow me to get a job in the book publishing, or movie industry designing either book/movie covers or posters. In the case of this particular poster, I hope to one day design great images like these as it is primarily the bold color scheme and recognizable shapes of the movie characters that catch the viewer's eye first. With the combinations of the character silhouettes amongst the bright white negative space and the posterized limitation of colors in each of the posters, the viewer's attention is first grabbed and then drawn downward to the rest of the written information displayed in white and the repeated bold color of the singular poster scheme. Over all I love this design for all of its easily recognizable yet abstract imagery and I hope one day to design something equally incredible.

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