Thursday, November 17, 2011


Example #1


In this image is a example of implied motion through graphic design. In this image a person holding a tower of boxes that get smaller towards the top of the pyramid that are all toppling over. The image tells a story in its own way. There is a certain before and after effect that is being created. The viewer is aware of the motion and movement that is happening by the directional cues. This illusion is created by the unbalance of the picture. The viewer feels the off balance of the boxes tumbling because of the way they are grouped. You almost tilt your head to the right when your looking at the picture to balance and stabilize it. It is this technique that creates the movement feel.

Example 2


This is a second example of implied motion through the use of graphics. This add,by Nike, illustrates a shoe that is shooting through space much like a meteor, catching on fire as it quickly descends. The viewer is aware that it is space because of the dark background and stars in the distance. The physics of this picture helps aide the illusion of the shoes rocketing through space. It looks like what a meteor would look like traveling. The sparks and fire in the front and the trail of smoke in the back create this illusion. The expanding of sparks off the back of the shoe to a focal point gives the suggestion of movement. It also conveys an outward rush of emotion and energy. The diagonal direction is also key in helping imply motion as it is a mental conformity that items placed at a diagonal must roll in the downward motion.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Above is an example of digital design that creates the illusion of depth. The image consists of a couch, table, flower pot, and a wagon filled with watermelons. A random grouping of objects but the way they are placed is key to creating depth. The image contains a linear perspective that is accentuated by the light and dark blue vertical lines. The parallel lines seem to recede back into the a horizon line creating that feeling of dimension. The shadows and lighting are key as well. In this image we can sense where the light source is coming from by the shadows. The light source in this image seems to be over head. It also gives the image a 3-dimensional feeling. You can see that the wagon is furthest from the light source since it casts the most shadow. The layering and overlapping of the object is another cue to depth. The wagon is closest to us, then the table, then the couch, then the wall. This effect is done by the overlapping and placement of objects. Texture also is used. Mainly the texture of lines. Color and value is used to create depth as well. The walls have a gradient of dark to light which keeps the illusion of dimension. The color also is key with where the light source is. All techniques create the illusion of depth and dimension in this image.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tone and Color

In his example of a graphic design poster there is a definite juxtaposition of tone used. There is an intensity of dark and light values. Example being the dark, black font and lines compared to the muted tones of design in the background. This technique brings the words "graphic design is about.." into the greatest focus. The addition of the light tonal background details reinforces this appearance. If the background was the same tone as the font, it would create a busy, chaotic image. The designer used tone in his/her advantage with texture as well. The tonal textures create a feeling of 3D or depth perception in the poster.

The colors used in this poster are very muted and saturated. There red, blue, and yellow colors used are almost saturated into their gray state. The neutrality of this image gives a feeling of stressless, calmness and restfulness. Here color is also used with texture to create its overall feeling.

In this second example of a graphic design poster there is once again a definite juxtaposition of tone used in this poster with the intensity of dark and light values. The dark tones of the shadows create reality through the sensation of reflected light and in the cast shadows. The variations in light and dark help the viewer distinguish the visual information of the environment being displayed. Without tone this image would appear flat and without depth. It would also be visually less interesting. The designer of this image also used tone with texture as well. The tonal textures of the lines also create a feeling of 3D and depth.

The colors used in this poster are very bright and highly saturated as apposed the the poster above. There red, blue, and greens colors used are bright, vivid, and in a pure form. In return the image has a lively feeling. The colors create a feeling of excitement and spiritedness. Tone and color are very much used with lines in the right side of the poster. The thickness, shade, and color of the lines directs the viewers eyes around the image in a fun way.