Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is my goal currently that one day I may graduate with a degree in visual graphics and eventually work for a publishing house designing book covers for novels. In these two images one can see the many differences between good graphic cover design and chaotically bad cover design.

In the first image of the well known cover of the popular book written by Stieg Larsson, "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo." In this design one can see how the composition of visual elements can lend to a very interesting and eye catching design. The title of the novel, with its interesting and flowing placement throughout the page guides the eye throughout the page, creating an abstract image while still remaining legible and readable. Over all I absolutely love this cover because of its simple complexities of limited color, and composition.

In the second image one can see how oddly mishmeshed compositions can lead to a structurally bad design. In this cover for the motivational book "Pocket the Best Jobs in the World" we obviously see the visualization of the title in the central image, the earth peeking out of the back pockets of someones blue jeans. However, after that one piece of clever imagery all other components of the cover are splattered across the page. The title is in a too small, odd script font in an out of place red stroked white coloring at the top center of the page, and the rest of the cover is a heavenly blurred mesh of golden yellows and whites disguising some unidentifiable background image. Over all in this cover design too many 'fancy' decorative elements were stuffed into one small page, and their placement of these numerous elements were not thought out enough, which is what I hope to avoid doing in my future career.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Visual vs Symbolic Language

Representational: Irony , Juxtaposition, Lack of Initiative, Unflattering.

Literal: Jobs and Careers, Inside of an Unemployment Office, Waiting, Older Unshaven Man, Relaxed Wardrobe, Government forms.

Symbols: Ampersand, Red Explosion icon behind the word Free.

In this image that depicts the word 'unemployment' we see a older African American man sitting in what can be assumed an unemployment office. Dressed in a large light blue t-shirt with a centered white and dark blue abstract icon that is unrecognizable. Under the blue t-shirt we see a long sleeved white flannel shirt that is pushed up to the mans elbows and he is wearing long khakis for the outfits bottoms. As the man sits in his seat he is reading a small paper back book, only a few pages in. He is doesn't seem to plan to stay long as he sits with his backpack still on his back, one diagonal strap across his chest keeping it in place. Behind the man a set of business cubicle walls are visible and unidentifiable people are seen sitting inside of them, one person in each cubby. In front of the man is a clear plastic paper display holder, which is holding some kind of form, most likely a unemployment government form. In front of that display, in the foreground of the image is a wire newspaper dispenser with a sign displaying the words 'Jobs & Careers', 'The Bay Area's Most Widely Read', and 'Free.' The words 'Jobs & Careers' and 'The Bay Area's Most Widely Read' is a yellow colored text on the signs navy blue background, and the word 'Free' is white and is placed in the upper right corner of the sign surrounded by a red geometric explosion symbol.

The irony behind this image is the juxtaposition of the man in the mid-background, as he seems to be nonchalantly sitting in a government office, which most likely is an umemployment office, in unprofesional attire, reading what looks to be a novel. Across from him is a newspaper stand that holds information on available career opportunities, yet the gentleman doesn't seem interested in it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meaning 2: Interactions Between the 3 Levels

In this informational document that illustrates some of the history and effects of coffee, all aspects of the three levels of visual communication and reception are present and clearly visible.


All throughout this document the representational level is present, as many of the illustrations were clearly created to replicate a real life object as accurately as possible, like that of the drawn image of a pressure cooker located in the top portion of the document. This image very clearly represents what it does as the illustrator replicated all the necessary parts of the object to leave as little guess work up to the viewer as possible. Although the image does not contain the small numbers on the pressure read out or many other small details about the object, the overall structure of the object is clearly visible which makes it a great example of how the representational level is present in this informational document.


Along with the documents representational images there are also numerous abstract images that successfully carry the documents message to its viewers in a less obvious fashion. One image that sticks out and is a good example of this level of visual communication is the numerous abstract versions of human men and women seen acting out the many effects of coffee on the human body. One of these specific images in the document that stands out is the image that illustrates caffeine addiction and withdrawal. In this image we see an abstract image of a man, identifiable by the basic human silhouette symbol that we find recognizable, yet it is fairly more detailed by the color and shape differences between the man's clothes, skin, and hair. In this image we see what we infer is a male sitting with his back against a wall in a somewhat fetal position across from a spilled cup of what we assume to be coffee. In this image, although it lacks many details that a representative picture would, like that of the persons facial expressions, the abstract body language of the man infers to the body language associated with those going through a type of emotional turmoil. This illustrated body language added to the spilled cup of what we assume through context to be coffee presents the implied vision of addiction.


The final level that can be seen in this document is the symbolic level where very simple combinations of shapes are given a deeper meaning. In this document we see many symbols that on their own can be seen an ambiguous , but within this context they begin to say something. One example of this is seen in the image in the top of the document of the chemical symbols of caffeine. To the untrained eye outside of the informative document's content this symbol could be interpreted as many things and the entirety of its design is the combination of letters and connecting lines. This symbol is however very widely known throughout the world as it, and other chemical compounds like it, have been associated to the structure of chemicals throughout history. So although many people are not familiar with particular chemical structures, with the information accompanying this symbol we are able to view the image and understand it instantly.